So, it's been a year since I've last written, and I can't say that anything exceptionally exciting is going on, but I love looking back at what I've written about my life in the past, so I don't want to let my college experience go by without documenting it (at least my senior year of it).
Well, I've just begun my senior year at UWF. Right now I'm sitting in the great hall of the commons on campus listening to a forum about voting and the current presidential election. Speaking of which - I am registered to vote as an independent, but I am just going to make this claim: I am in love with Sara Palin! I am really impressed with her integrity. I'm not one to frequently have political debates because I often don't have the information to back myself up. Recently I've been more involved in what the candidates have to say about our country and about themselves, and about each other - because it's impossible to get away from, they can't stop talking about each other!

Moving on...this semester I'm working with local branch of the Special Olympics through my Leadership class. Although we haven't done anything so far other than attending a swim meet, my heart is already being softened to these athletes and their families. I had the opportunity of speaking with the parents of some of the athletes and it was so touching to hear the gratitude and excitement in their voices knowing that there were people that had a mission to help their children. Our main goal is to spread awareness to the four local counties here in the Pensacola area to get more involved with the Special Olympics whether it be donating time, money, getting more athletes, volunteers, equipment and hopefully connecting local businesses to the S.O. to establish continued financial support. Our general idea so far is to put on some sort of fundraising event such as a formal or concert. If anyone has further ideas or insight please share! I'd love to integrate other ideas into our's. but if you'd like to get involved or offer support at all, we're trying to instill the R-word campaign which is an attempt to boycott the "r-word" and start referring to these wonderful individuals as intellectually disabled. I would really appreciate you start integrating this into your life! its hard to at first, I'm not going to lie, but you don't realize how often people use that offensive word on a daily basis.

well, I will be writing more, that's enough for now:)
love from Pensacola <3
It is always fun to look back at journals, isn't it? Good for you with not only being more politically aware (I've undergone a similar tansition in recent years), but helping out with Special Olympics. James is the biggest sap when it comes to special kids. I'm on blogspot too, obviously, as is my mom. Have fun!
So good to hear what you all are doing in Leadership. It sounds fantastic! Man...I sure miss UWF. Hope you really soak up your senior year. Make sure to have lots of all night study sessions...they are what you might miss the most. Just sayin...you might. =)
Peace friend.
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