Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sick and antsy

So as I shared in my most recent blog, sitting at home and being un-productive is not one of my favorite things. When I woke up this morning to discover I had a sore throat and wasn't feeling well at all, I called into work...and haven't done much since then.

Whatever I have is not the worst thing in the world, I don't feel like I'm dying, but I feel like I have no energy. My head is throbbing, my throat and ears hurt, and I have a small fever, so I have done little besides lay in bed, nap, and read.

When I awoke from my nap I began to feel like I was breathing in dirty air, and all the sudden I had this urge to start cleaning. I've been going slow, its definitely not the most productive cleaning spree but I took the dirty sheets off the bed and threw them in the wash, fabreezed the bedroom, wiped down everything and dusted, and put pet deodorizer on the carpet but still have yet to vacuum.

Well, my cup of tea is empty now so I suppose I should venture back upstairs to vacuum and put some clean sheets on the I can fall into them.

Monday, October 26, 2009

His mercies are new every morning...

So it has been quite some time since I last blogged, my Europe trip to be exact. Life has been quite a whirlwind since then. I don't really think anyone reads this so it is not here to serve the purpose of updating readers on every detail of my life. (They're really not that exciting, I promise. Plus, that's what Facebook status updates are for :))

Today I am writing as a way to express my gratitude for how things seem to fall together. I am so thankful I serve a God who answers prayers, and who sees what is in my heart, both needs and desires, and fulfills them to His glory.

I recently have been praying a lot about my life working out for the purpose to pleasing God. I know I never thought I'd find myself in this place several years ago, but here I am. I ended up here with every decision I have made and I feel like I am finding my way every day, becoming more of me. There's really no telling how things turn out and how life surprises you along the way. I just keep hoping this is all happening this way for a reason...that I'm on the right path.

Yesterday I was having a really difficult time feeling unhappy and not fulfilled with my day-to-day life. I work and that's about it. I love my job, but I don't feel like I'm making enough to get by. And I'm still not used to coming home and not being a college student anymore. I still get antsy watching tv all night. I get frustrated not having things to do on the weekends. I don't have friends here so that makes a social life pretty non-existant...let's just be honest here.

So yesterday I was letting all this out on Josh, explaining to him how I feel like I'm missing out on something, like I need more of a life here. All the while I was feeling even more horrible than I already did feel because I was basically telling him he wasn't enough to make me happy. that is not what I meant at all but I knew that was how he was taking it. We both decided we would like extra ciricular activities in our lives but that funds were keeping us from that at this point.

So, today is a new day. And God clearly proved that his mercies are new every day. I got a phone call first thing this morning from a woman who found an ad for babysitting I posted on craiglist(and got no response from until now) and asked if I could dog sit for her for a week, and that she would be interested in me babysitting for her in the future. So that was a small promise of extra funds. Then I got an email from the local Hadassah chapter here with an invite to a luncheon that just happens to be on a weekend that Josh will be out of town. Another small promise of networking, friends and activities.

I know that my relationship with the Lord has to be my number one priority, and if I'm seeking him and what he wants for my life, He will start to show me where he wants me. So this morning was just a little reminder of that.